Day #4 Alta / Burfjord

Maps, Charts and Key figures

05:29’00 Duration
19.36 Average speed (km/h)
104.90 Distance (km)
930 Ascent (m)
935 Descent (m)

Too soon for the season.

What a day !
I started my day a bit late... at 11 o’clock. I must find a way to pack my stuff quicker. After only 5.5km and I stopped in a grocery shop to refill "my fridge"! And finally, I really started at 12h...

My goal was to reach Bufjord and in particular a campsite that was recommended to me the day before.
I couldn’t stop thinking that I wouldn’t be able to reach it. It was like an obsession... After a while, a bit annoyed, I decided to accept the fact that if I can't, I can't, so let's see how far i can go and deal with it.

It was a hard route with a lot of uphills and downhills.

‎⁨Talvik⁩, ⁨Finnmark⁩, ⁨Norway⁩

At the begining, my motivation wasn't so strong. 2 hours later, I arrived at Talvik, took a lunch and left again immediately.

‎⁨Talvik⁩, ⁨Finnmark⁩, ⁨Norway⁩

A few kilometers further, I had to go on a closed route to get around a forbidden tunnel to bicycles. A few moment later, the route was completely covered of snow... I stopped a second, laughed a bit, because I love that feeling. "You know that it's stupid and you gonna do it anyway". 
Why is that stupid? Just because it's forbidden to fall with a loaded bike. The risk is to break a rack or a pannier, and then you are fucked until you find a way to fix it.
So let’s give a try, it wasn’t easy at the beginning, I missed to fall several times, but finally I found the good cadence and It worked pretty well.

Old road to avoid tunnel, ‎⁨Talvik⁩, ⁨Finnmark⁩, ⁨Norway⁩
Storsandnes, ‎⁨Talvik⁩, ⁨Finnmark⁩, ⁨Norway⁩

Now that it was done, I must ride faster because I realized I wasn't so far from the campsite I was targeting... after around an hour, I reached at the campsite but... yes there is a but... the owner said to me it’s closed, the season hasn’t begun yet... I was completely exhausted, he allowed me to stay a moment to recover. He also adviced me a spot where I could pitched my tent. Where I am now... behind a gas station and in front of a fjord.

Arctic Fjord Camp, 9161 Burfjord, Norway (Take care about the opening date)
Behind the gaz station (Circle K) Burfjord, Norway)

That’s it for today, time to eat, enjoy the place and sleep.