Day #10 Botnhamn /Skrolsvik

Maps, Charts and Key figures

07:51’00 Duration
15.70 Average speed (km/h)
122.90 Distance (km)
1211 Ascent (m)
1222 Descent (m)

Better together

It was a pleasant and easy long distance day, with an amazing weather all the way and of course amazing landscapes. We rode 120km at the average speed of 15km/h.
This is great because it teaches me how to ride at a peaceful rythme, and mostly because it’s good to share the road with others, especially those ones.
The route wasn’t the one I planned because there is no ferry at Gryllefjord. The route we choose make a detour of maybe 50km. But it was worth it.
We ended the day close to the ferry dock, by pitching our tents just aside of a pick nick table to enjoy our diner in front of the sea.

Storvika, Botnhamn, Norway
Storvika, Botnhamn, Norway
‎⁨Breidtinden Peak (984m), Senja⁩, ⁨Norway⁩
‎⁨Breidtinden Peak (984m), Senja⁩, ⁨Norway⁩
This box contains yellow jackets for safety inside the tunnel, Senja, Norway
This box contains yellow jackets for safety inside the tunnel, Senja, Norway
Golden Toilet, Senja, Skaland, Norway
Golden Toilet, Senja, Skaland, Norway
Platform above the void, Bergsbotn, Skaland, Norway
Famous 44 meter long platform above the void, Bergsbotn, Skaland, Norway
‎⁨Senja⁩, ⁨Skaland⁩, ⁨Norway⁩